Photos of Curtis William Joyce

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1BudDonnie.jpg (104345 bytes)Darlene and Bud Joyce 2Bud1940.jpg (54316 bytes)Bud Joyce 3BudBike.jpg (34593 bytes)Bud 4Budguitar.jpg (33115 bytes)Bud, with Uncle Paul Taylor's guitar
5AlmaBud1940.jpg (33868 bytes)Alma and Bud 6ElaineBud60f.jpg (57911 bytes)Elaine and Bud 9Budbib.jpg (24917 bytes)Bud BudBike_ed.jpg (105709 bytes)Bud and his 2 bicycles!  Apparently Bud had saved up to buy himself a new bicycle, and the same week he bought it, he won another one at the Co. Fair!  In the 1940s, a boy with 2 new bicycles was RICH indeed!
8DonnieAlmaElaineBud.jpg (44113 bytes)Elaine, Darlene, Alma and Bud BudBib_ed.jpg (81919 bytes)Bud 11BudJrHi.jpg (45201 bytes)Bud 12BudBobbyJ.jpg (35460 bytes)Bud and Bobby Johnson (Aunt Kat's son)
15BudSteps.jpg (45206 bytes)Bud 18_10bBud.jpg (34191 bytes)Bud.  Maw never drove a car.  Every summer from the time he got his license until his death, he took Maw on vacation to the Smoky Mts. 19Bud1960.jpg (33977 bytes)Bud 20Bud19602.jpg (56254 bytes)Bud
10BudKarenPawMaw.jpg (178492 bytes)Buddy, Karen, Paw, Maw 16KarenBud1956.jpg (122397 bytes) Bud and Karen   Curtis William was called "Bud" by the immediate family.  "Buddy" by his nieces.  Not to be confused with the other "Bud" Joyce, who is Aunt Lil's son.
I guess I'm the last of us who remembers Uncle Buddy.  Terri and Chris were too young when he died to remember much than that he had once lived.  He was my "buddy", my hero. It amazes me now when I think that he was only 15 - 17 yrs old when I developed this "crush" on him.  He played with me, he let me in his bedroom to listen to his records.  He we had a game, which I barely remember, but my grandparents laughed about it when they told the story after I was grown.  Buddy would give me a nickel....not to tell Maw and Paw about whatever he was doing that I might tell on him for.  Apparently some one put me up to telling him that I wanted "Big Nickels" (quarters) to buy my silence.  I remember one snowy day, I was walking to school (2nd grade).  It was only 5 or 6 blocks, but seemed like miles to me then.  Buddy was driving himself and several friends to school himself....he was still in High School.  He stopped and picked me up and drove me to school.  His friends were saying....awwww, don't mess with that little kid (macho guys).  He told them to "be quite or walk", that he was taking "his girl" to school!

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