Photos of Karen Jean Breedlove

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KJBnb_ed.jpg (52366 bytes) Newborn 14MawKaren6mos.jpg (41776 bytes) with Maw, 6 mos. 4Karen6mos.jpg (117122 bytes)6 mos. 5KarenBonnet.jpg (15874 bytes) 1 yr.
11PawKaren2yrs.jpg (37378 bytes)with Paw, 18 mos. KJBbelly-ed.jpg (117038 bytes) 18  mos. 14Karenpuppy.jpg (50022 bytes) I'm gonna take you home and love you and feed you and lock you in a cage and keep you forever, and ever! 15KarenBath.jpg (120513 bytes)Please tell me that all this dirt did not come off of ME???!!!!
16KarenBud1956.jpg (122397 bytes)age 3, me and my Buddy 25MomDadMe.jpg (100463 bytes)Dad (Kenneth Breedlove, me, Mom (Alma Joyce Breedlove) 27MawKaren57.jpg (53796 bytes)me and Maw 44Mom_Girls.jpg (19814 bytes)me and my daughters
47red553.jpg (10240 bytes)me and my 2 ornery daughters! KarAdTractor_ed.jpg (141323 bytes)me and Adele 48redhead553.jpg (32035 bytes)me, 1999 2nicksgra.jpg (29955 bytes) me and Nicholas, March 6, 1997
5gen_edit.jpg (119713 bytes) 5 Generations of us 51Copy of KarenNow.jpg (69097 bytes) me, 2001 Feb2004.jpg (11096 bytes) me, 2004 KJBbirthcert_ed.jpg (360818 bytes) my birth certificate

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