Photo Page of Virginia Kathleen Taylor Johnson and her descendents

Images are thumbnails.  Click on a photo to see full size.

KatAlma.jpg (55165 bytes)Kat and Mom (Alma Joyce) MawHydeKat.jpg (53198 bytes)Maw, Hydreth, Kat KarenGizelleMiller.jpg (19708 bytes)"Kitty" Karen Gizelle Miller (Carol's daughter) KarenMiller25.jpg (25752 bytes)Kitty Miller
KittyholdAaron.jpg (48411 bytes)Kitty holding Aaron AaronMiller25.jpg (31571 bytes)Aaron Miller (Carol's son) GingerMiller.jpg (27836 bytes)Ginger Miller (Carol's daughter) MightbeAaronMiller.jpg (18506 bytes)Aaron Miller
RexRMiller.jpg (30710 bytes)Rex R. Miller (Carol's son) GingerMiller25.jpg (16799 bytes)Ginger Miller DannyJohnson.jpg (28108 bytes)Danny Johnson (Kenneth's son) MawKatPlates.jpg (24795 bytes)Kat and Maw
PawKat.jpg (58116 bytes)Kat and Paw (the year she died (1970) ElaineandJohnsons_ed.jpg (170268 bytes)Elaine and Melanie Jackson (on Loretta Johnson's lap).  Loretta is Johnny's wife.  Other children are Johnny's.  Anne (Ken's wife) and Alma in back. AnnKen.jpg (74685 bytes)Ken and Ann Johnson AnnKennAlma.jpg (95886 bytes)Ann, Ken and Alma
MawandKenJohnson.jpg (143219 bytes)Aunt Gladys and Ken docu0040.jpg (154774 bytes)Kenneth Johnson's kids and grandkids.  (Ann and new husband Lou)    

Virginia Kathleen (Taylor) Johnson Family Photo Page 1

Virginia Kathleen (Taylor) Johnson Family Photo Page 2

Virginia Kathleen (Taylor) Johnson Family Photo Page 3

See Info pages for B.F. Taylor or LilieMae Hylton. (Parents)
Aunt "Kat" was my grandmother's sister.  I've created a separate page for the Johnson photos because there are quite a few and because Aunt Kat only appears in 1 photo with sister Gladys and 1/2 sister Regena.