Descendents of George Washington Joyce
Images are thumbnails.  Click on a photo to see full size.

MawSarah.jpg (53959 bytes)Gladys and Sarah Catherine Joyce Kinder. LysterJoyce1.jpg (102264 bytes)Amanuel Lyster and William Richard Joyce LysterJoyce2.jpg (177224 bytes)"Lyst" Joyce (Amanuel Lyster) RLMSLJoyce1.jpg (70207 bytes)Richard, Lyst, Mae (Stella), Sarah and Lil Joyce
docu0085.jpg (170093 bytes)Adele (my daughter) Lyst, Arcie Joyce (his wife) and Gladys Joyce. AuntLil1.jpg (129850 bytes)Lillian Ethel Joyce AuntLil2.jpg (143311 bytes)Lillian Ethel Joyce BudJoyceFamily.jpg (35856 bytes)Bud Joyce (Lil's son) his wife Mattie, their daughters, Rhonda and Vickie.
MayLilSarahPaw.jpg (168030 bytes)Mae, Lil, Sarah and Richard Joyce LilSarahMayMattie.jpg (128945 bytes)Lil, Sarah, Mae and Mattie Joyce SarahLilMaw.jpg (103413 bytes)Sarah, Lil and Gladys Joyce SarahMaeLil.jpg (117191 bytes)Sarah, Mae and Lil
LilPaw1.jpg (89386 bytes)Lil and Richard MayLilMawMelElaine.jpg (229575 bytes)Mae, Lil, Gladys Joyce, Melanie and Elaine (wife, grandchild, daughter of Richard Joyce) SarahMaeRichLil.jpg (133411 bytes)Sarah, Mae, Richard, Lil  

G. W. Joyce Info Page

G. W. Joyce Photo Page

G.W. Joyce descendents photo page 1
G.W. Joyce descendents photo page 2

William Richard Joyce